
“What the World May Know” DVD Bible Study Series

filmed in Biblical sites

Sunday School 9:30am in upstairs hall 

 Summer Studies: God Heard Their Cry” & “Fire on the Mountain”

Thursdays 6:30am in upstairs hall 

Summer Studies on the Exodus:
“Fire on the Mountain” & “With All Your Heart”

3rd Sunday 2pm: worship @ Tuscany Gardens Nursing Home

Communion Sundays 11am:
2024: 7/28; 10/6 World Communion; & 11/19 Christ the King
Communion on Perpetual Liturgical Sundays 11am
Transfiguration: Sunday preceding Lent in Feb/March
Passion/Palm: week before Easter on 6th Sunday of Lent in March/April
Trinity: week after Pentecost in May/June
World Communion: 1st Sunday of October
Christ the King: 3rd Sunday in November

Call, email, or click contact tab to request a prayer appointment
or to make a prayer request.

Bereans Women Potluck in upstairs hall (at restaurant in August)

noon 4th Thursdays (March-October & 1st Th in Dec)

                                                    Building Use Permitted for:
     Saturday 8/24 upstairs hall & kitchen for private event
Monthly Outreach Opportunities: 
(contact FPCP for more information)
“Making Jesus Known” Mission:
Good New Club – financial donations in July & Aug to help support bringing the Good News of Jesus to children in SW Licking elementary & intermediate schools.
“Our Daily Bread” devotional published & provided freely worldwide
Assisting Those in Poverty:
Boaz Project financial donations in Nov & Dec to help orphans in India, Kenya, Russia, Uganda, & the Ukraine.
Kids Eat Freedonations in June of individual containers of mac & cheese and applesauce to feed hungry children, when school programs are not in operation during the summer.
Look Up Centerdonations of coats & financial assistance in March & Sept to help those impoverished in the Licking County area.
Starting Strong (Fostering Further) donations of goods in April & May to help young adults aged out of the foster system.
Donate non-perishable food items
in non-glass containers
to assist those in Pataskala
who are hungry throughout the year and on 
Souper Bowl Sunday 2nd Sun in February 
World Communion 1st Sunday in October.
Sanctity of Life:
Heartbeats -financial donations in Jan & Feb to offer assistant & education in support of unborn life